Vinton County National Bank

Ohio Homebuyer Plus Savings

Looking to buy a home in Ohio?

Vinton County National Bank is proud to now offer the Ohio Homebuyer Program, allowing individuals to save money for the purchase of a home earning an advantageous interest rate that may be used as a tax deduction as well. Savings must be used toward down payment and closing costs. Help your money grow faster so you can save more for the purchase of a new home!

Participants Must:

  • Be an Ohio resident at least 18 years of age.
  • Have their primary residence located in the State of Ohio.
  • Only use account proceeds toward the down payment or closing costs of a home purchased in Ohio, with the home becoming their new primary residence.

Homebuyer Plus accounts must be used within five years, maintain a minimum balance of at least $100, and cannot exceed a maximum balance of $100,000.


Speak with a VCNB banker at your nearest location for more information about eligibility, rates, and frequently asked questions. For full details and official information from the Office of the Ohio Treasurer, please visit

Vinton County National Bank

Vinton County National Bank

Checking Account

Don’t have a checking account with VCNB? Now’s the perfect time to start one. Open online today.

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