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Carol Faber Will Retire Friday After 27 Years

When Carol Faber came to work at Vinton County National Bank in 1997, she did so as a young single mom who needed a flexible job to support her family. Her children are all grown up now and she’s preparing to retire this week after more than 27 years at VCNB. Doing so will bring her career full circle as she’s leaving to help care for her young grandchildren. She couldn’t be more pleased for that opportunity.

“It’s bittersweet. It really is. I have loved my job but my family needs me and I’m grateful that I’m in a position to help. I’ll get paid in snuggles instead of a paycheck!” Carol exclaimed.

Before moving here, she worked for the Harrison County Bank in West Virginia where she enjoyed her job. She was glad to find an opportunity to be a teller at VCNB when she moved here to be close to her children’s grandparents. “It was funny because Bob Will knew my old boss and my old bank. He asked me what Harrison County Bank had that his bank didn’t. I told him they were online and Bob said he would take care of that. And he did!”

Carol started here as a teller before moving into loan records and then into loan processing. All of the knowledge gained from those earlier jobs has helped with her longtime role in the Escrow Department. She’s been doing this work since 2010 and has a vast knowledge in this area. This job requires an intricate understanding of many topics, a healthy respect for deadlines and attention to detail with little room for error.

That’s because her department handles escrow for mortgages. She said their department takes over once a loan is booked and they are responsible for billing, taxes, homeowner’s insurance, analysis work and much more. “It can be very confusing and it’s especially hard for the customer to understand that their mortgage payment has changed because their taxes or their insurance went up,” she explained. “It’s a lot to know and to understand.”

What advice does this experienced banker have for others who are entering the workforce? “Learn as much as you can about everything you can. Even if you don’t plan to stay at a job, you’ll still learn something that can help you in your next job. I took it upon myself to learn on my own and to ask questions so I could do a job right the first time. Even if you don’t plan to make a job a career, everything you learn can help!”

Carol said that leaving her job won’t be easy but that it’s the right choice for her and her family. “I’m going to be a full-time grandma!” She went on to talk about her career at VCNB. “I have loved my job.  I had a great career here and I’m so grateful that I was able to work and still be there for my kids. My family means the world to me and it means the world to me that I’m able to leave and go help with my grandkids.”

Friday will be Carol’s last day at VCNB. We will miss her more than she knows but we wish her the very best in this new stage of life.


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